May 23, 2021
2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
The Actors Guild of Parkersburg is pleased to announce that we have been given permission to perform the play “The Miss Firecracker Contest” in our theatre – live on stage with an audience!
The summer air is beginning to heat up in Brookhaven, a rural town in Mississippi, as residents prepare with excitement for their annual Miss Firecracker Contest, a beauty and talent pageant held every summer on the Fourth of July. Carnelle Scott, a hopeful victor in this year’s competition, is as feverish as the humid temperatures outside as she readies herself for what she anticipates will be a spectacular event of personal reinvention.
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Of course, your safety is our first priority! We will be following the Guidelines that have been outlined to prevent the spread of COVID -19:
All surfaces will be cleaned, and seats sanitized between performances.
- Frequency of cleaning will be increased in high traffic areas such as rest rooms.
- Reduced capacity and modified seating configuration will be in effect to maintain social distancing.
- Masks will be required of all staff and patrons.
- Anyone who has recently been sick or has a fever is asked to stay at home and refunds will be available.
- We encourage patrons to print their tickets at home to avoid congestion in the lobby.
- Our doors will open 45 minutes prior to show time to allow extra time to be seated and permit adequate distancing.
We hope that you will be as excited as we are at the prospect of returning to live theatre at the Actors Guild. Tickets are now available on our website