July 11, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge is hosting
The Buzz About Bees! A FREE educational program all about bees.
Everyone is familiar with bumblebees and honeybees, but did you know that we have roughly 400 different types of bees in this area? Not all of them are yellow and black, either. Native bees come in a wide variety of sizes and colors. Learn about the diversity of native bees and how to tell them apart from wasps and other bee mimics. We’ll walk around the pollinator garden at the wildlife refuge and see which bees we can find plus use a hand lens to look at some pinned specimens of some of our most common species.
Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge Visitors Center
(3982 Waverly Road, Williamstown WV)
Children Activities Free Event