June 10, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Enjoy the art of Watercolor.
Join Ginny Killian in this one day Art on the Island Drawing/Watercolor Workshop on Blennerhasset Island. Here’s a reason to sit under a tree in a beautiful park. Learn to
draw and paint directly from nature while you learn a technique often used by travel
journalist and sketchbook artists. I promise you will have fun ( it ‘s easy to do).
Meet the instructor at the boat launch at Point Park and head to the Island
on the 10:00 a.m. boat. After the 1 1/2 to 2 hour workshop you are free to
explore the Island and return at your leisure. This class is for teens and adults.
Two dates available to choose from.
Session 1: Saturday, June 10, meet Ginny at Point Park
and take the 10am ferry to the island.
Session 2: Saturday, June 24, meet Ginny at Point Park
and take the 10am ferry to the island.
For details go to